03-07-2012, 02:09 PM
(03-04-2012, 05:38 PM)thegameexplorer Wrote: Well I've tried it myself and I managed to rip something using the NBSMB viewer and then using 3d via to rip it and the used a 3dxml plugin for 3ds max
The problem of this method is that works for only some games and not for all version of the nbsmd format. For example the love plus nbsmd files are not supported by nbsmd viewer.
There is another method..but it doesn't lead to a great result.
The method consist of using HijackGL with desmume (in opengl mode).
In this case u can rip only the vertexs of the scene and with a script in maya u can re-obtain a mesh from the vertexs. Obviusly the model need to be fixed, and this method not rip uv maps nor textures (the capture models are posed). Actually I think that this is the only ripping tool that work ( not so good