03-10-2012, 12:14 PM
I guess my little test didn't work, lol. You see, when you open the .DAE in Notepad++, you see this section
<image id="Image">
<image id="Image1">
<image id="Image2">
near the top that has several "<init_from>"s after the texture names, correct? Well, I always use NP++'s Replace thing to replace those with ".png<init_from>" so that I don't have to manually enter the extensions, and it works, but... further down below the texture paths are...
<effect id="Effect" name="ItmCommonRabbitEar0">
<newparam sid="Image-surface">
<surface type="2D">
...you guessed it, more "<init_from>"s. These extra <init_from>'s are what get replaced if you use the Replace All command, and I was hoping that these getting changed would not make any difference, but I guess it did, so my test didn't work. So I guess I'm forever stuck with mashing the Replace button to replace each of those individual <init_from>'s for each model, even those that have a dozen+ textures.