03-14-2012, 11:09 PM
Tales of Graces f. Playing it with a friend of mine who has played every Tales game with me since the second half of Symphonia. They've made a lot of changes to the battle system and it's taking some getting used to, but it's a ton of fun and arguably a lot more fluid than the past battle systems. It's almost aggravating us with how much stuff there is to constantly work on (Titles, Skills, Dualizing, Ethel Producing, More Titles...(seriously so many titles)) but we're really liking it so far. Too bad the Gamestop pre-order costumes from Tales of Destiny are kind of lame, though... should have given Stahn's or Leon's costume to Asbel, not Kyle's... and Harold's to Sophie. Oh well, at least the XMB theme is kind of cool.