Looks like I have't posted here yet:
Diamond Friend Code - 2105-9897-3820 - Gaia
White Friend Code - 5329-0448-9801 - Gaia
I'd perfer it if most of my Wifi stuff was done on DSi, and for a good reason too: Nintendo is shit when it comes to online play, and whenever I migrate my DS Wifi games to a new system (happened when I switched Custom Robo from Phat to DSlite, and from there DSi, others followed suit, thank god for FC locking!), I seem to lose all my FCs and that stuff, plus it resets! I'd have Soul Silver up there but haven't made the ideal team yet.
Diamond Friend Code - 2105-9897-3820 - Gaia
White Friend Code - 5329-0448-9801 - Gaia
I'd perfer it if most of my Wifi stuff was done on DSi, and for a good reason too: Nintendo is shit when it comes to online play, and whenever I migrate my DS Wifi games to a new system (happened when I switched Custom Robo from Phat to DSlite, and from there DSi, others followed suit, thank god for FC locking!), I seem to lose all my FCs and that stuff, plus it resets! I'd have Soul Silver up there but haven't made the ideal team yet.