04-04-2012, 04:53 PM
I was close....
(04-04-2012, 02:07 PM)Solink Wrote:(04-04-2012, 01:27 PM)thegameexplorer Wrote: My french isn't that good but I think he says something like: Hello, I am french. (blah) Program for extracting 3d models from mario party 9Actually it's:(04-04-2012, 10:07 AM)chams 47 Wrote: bonjour , je suis francais , j'aimerais savoir quel logiciel utilisez vous pour extraire les modeles 3d de mario party 9 ??
"Hello, I am French. I would love to know which program you use to extract 3D models from Mario Party 9."
Bonjour chams 47, Je n'ai pas rippé de modèles du jeu mais je crois que leur format est BRRES, un type de fichier commun à la WII. Donc, tu aurais besoin de "WiiScrubber" pour extraire les modèles de l'iso, de "NTCompress" pour les décompresser, puis d'utiliser "BRRES Viewer" ou "BrawlBox" pour les ouvrir et les convertir.
Par contre, tu aurais dut faire des efforts pour écrire en anglais, et poster dans la bonne section du site qui est "Questions, Info, and Tutorials" ou d'avoir envoyé un message à John2k4.
Hi chams 47, I didn't rip models from the game but I'm pretty sure that they are BRRES files, a common file type for the WII. So, you would need "WiiScrubber" to extract iso's models, "NTCompress" to decompress them, and then "BRRES Viewer" or "BrawlBox" to open and convert them.
However, you should made efforts to write in english, and post in the good section which is "Questions, Info, and Tutorials" or sent a message to John2k4.
Am I right with the way to rip the models, John?