(04-05-2012, 09:04 AM)Jiru Wrote: If someone asks me what i want to be when i grow up, i'll just say ''redblueyellow's successor''
Edit: Notice how all the bottoms say
''Inazuma eleven 3 the ORGE''?
Pfft, I think I may have spelled it wrong... I should probably fix that...

http://i.minus.com/iBIRNWSmy7InQ.png - Bodyshot Set 1
http://i.minus.com/iYCAUxOiKmEor.png - Bodyshot Set 2
http://i.imgur.com/qlt9q.png - Bodyshot Set 11 idk why this won't upload on minus though...
http://i.minus.com/iXI89XRmM7iTi.png - Set 1 Heads
http://i.minus.com/ihDE57Hd11XdI.png - Set 2 Heads