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Where did you get your username from?
*Pushes Koopaul out of rocking chair, pulls out a book and blows dust off

It all started back in Prussia, when the German Confederation decided to start the "Germanization" of the Province of Posen. Jacob Senger, a Gunsmith from Vienna, was moved to Wagrowiec where married a Polish woman and had a son. Like many Poles at the time, Stephen was good at saving money. In fact, he saved so much money that he, his wife and his children were able to move to America. When they arrived in Duluth Stephen thought "Senger" sounded too Jewish and would attract trouble from the anti-Semitic types, so he took the name "Singer". Unfortunately the immigration services people accidentally recorded it as "Sengir" and the name stuck. Many years later I was born and decided it'd be a neat idea to use my last name as a username on the 'Net.

Yes, that means my surname is typo...

Messages In This Thread
RE: Where did you get your username from? - by Sengir - 04-13-2012, 06:40 PM

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