04-18-2012, 12:12 AM
which one's texture?
the transformers don't actually have textures outside of soundwave's glass cover on his tape deck, and the autobot logos on grimlock. they have metalic sph files that give them extra sheen.
the allspark cube has textures taken from the movie's 3D model, it also has the same sph file attatched to it. note it's not as shiny as grimlock though, textures kinda dilute the shiny factor alot.
i'm trying to make them more metal like in the film but still keep their G1 colors and iconic shapes.
I found Slag, Sludge and Snarl (only Slag is finished though)
![[Image: grimlock_wip_3___slag_by_valforwing-d4wnuhr.png]](http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/108/7/4/grimlock_wip_3___slag_by_valforwing-d4wnuhr.png)
for some odd reason part of slag's tail is inverted...like you can see the inside from the outside.
the transformers don't actually have textures outside of soundwave's glass cover on his tape deck, and the autobot logos on grimlock. they have metalic sph files that give them extra sheen.
the allspark cube has textures taken from the movie's 3D model, it also has the same sph file attatched to it. note it's not as shiny as grimlock though, textures kinda dilute the shiny factor alot.
i'm trying to make them more metal like in the film but still keep their G1 colors and iconic shapes.
I found Slag, Sludge and Snarl (only Slag is finished though)
![[Image: grimlock_wip_3___slag_by_valforwing-d4wnuhr.png]](http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/108/7/4/grimlock_wip_3___slag_by_valforwing-d4wnuhr.png)
for some odd reason part of slag's tail is inverted...like you can see the inside from the outside.