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Well I'm sorry about that, I kind of had a moment there involving something irl. I've had some blood pressure medication and laid down, so I'm calm.

I've had little time to work on the program between work and school lately, do the last exe I posted was just about how far I've gotten. I'm have a bit of a problem with paranoia, and I was afraid Metarus suggestion might have led to me being replaced. Its one reason why I didn't want ploaj to make the same thing via flash (something he suggested becausehe was bored and wanted to do it for shits and giggles) but I was afraid his version would be better received, and I didn't want to become replaced. I know that's definitely not what Metary was suggesting, but paired with something that happened irl and my misunderstanding led to the reaction. I apologize for my reaction, and I'm sorry. I have a full summer break, and I'll be able to work I the engine since my summer work ends earlier and I wont have to bother with studying after work. I'm fully capable of doing the work, and I will. I just have to get started back on it.
[Image: 803ce84258.gif]

Messages In This Thread
THE FIGHTERS RESOURCE - Official Thread - by Gors - 06-02-2012, 11:24 AM
i noticed, Crappy, i noticed - by Tellis - 06-07-2012, 08:33 PM
RE: i noticed, Crappy, i noticed - by Baegal - 06-07-2012, 08:37 PM
RE: THE FIGHTERS RESOURCE - Official Thread - by [robo9] - 06-14-2012, 03:48 PM

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