06-15-2012, 08:10 AM
(06-15-2012, 07:55 AM)hugbox Wrote: i had a big ol' wall of text here in response to yours but i can distill it pretty quickly;
you're basically pulling the gender equivalent of the 'white women's tears' defense.
you're making it all about how your feelings are hurt by accusations of sexism (which, i hasten to add, nobody accused you of), and in doing so cheerfully ignoring the feelings of people who are actually affected by sexism
angie already pointed out;
if you haven't read up about sexism or if you're not actually affected by it, you need to sit the fuck down. discussions of sexism are the one, one single situation in the entirety of human interaction in which men are expected to defer to women's experience. because, you know, we're the ones actually affected by sexism and all
unless someone else is going to tell me that an industry run by men, designed for men, staffed almost entirely with men, and depicting stories about men, is somehow sexist against men, in which case i would like to know what colour the sky is on your planet
My points are still valid that in my eyes, the fight to reduce sexism is being hindered by people being too extreme in their attempts to stop it.
This Tomb Raider fiasco got out of hand before it should have, and because of it people came across like idiots... And now they need a reason to still be angry so they're making points which just hold no ground to me. So I can't support that.
I don't understand how a lot of men can argue to be effected by the sexism, though I understand their reasons to support. I mean I do... And I really have no reason to, since it doesn't effect me at all (obviously I give a shit about other people, so there's that...) besides from a quality point of view.
Also, I felt like I was being accused. Probably because Tyvon's "if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem" post basically made me out to be a major issue when I fully support it...
Also, why would I ban you for voicing an opinion?
also, just to point out: You were quite passive-aggressive or whatever that stupid shit is about something that I had previously mentioned irks me, and made it out like it was really important. When it isn't, I said it was a peeve, not a major world problem.