Whoa whoa....whoa. Slow down there....Keep your clothes on -.-
Should i add support for allowing you to animate and transform into the Z axis? I mean being able to position,rotate, and scale(3d plane...) into the Z axis. Also adding perspective,depth, or orthographic, no depth, camera modes(to show depth)? Also allowing you to move the camera view around to allow animating into the Z axis. Im going to make markers(?)(dont remember the name)...that showup on the selected bone. You can use it to clamp movement,rotation, or scale for a single axis. This should allow for more accuracy when animating.
A few reasons for even wanting to animate into the Z axis are for things that rotate. Imagine propellers, coins, helicopter propellers....I dunno, these are from the top of my head. Ofc those can easily be animated by hand, but im sure there would be other uses.
A feature that im also adding is animated textures,sprites, skins(however you want to call it). They can, ofc, be keyframed so its not limited to one animated texture per animation. Imagine uhhh....spinning blades, wheels(wow bad examples...=p), gfx effects(if your savvy enough).
If anyone has any ideas, or anything, go ahead and post.
Should i add support for allowing you to animate and transform into the Z axis? I mean being able to position,rotate, and scale(3d plane...) into the Z axis. Also adding perspective,depth, or orthographic, no depth, camera modes(to show depth)? Also allowing you to move the camera view around to allow animating into the Z axis. Im going to make markers(?)(dont remember the name)...that showup on the selected bone. You can use it to clamp movement,rotation, or scale for a single axis. This should allow for more accuracy when animating.
A few reasons for even wanting to animate into the Z axis are for things that rotate. Imagine propellers, coins, helicopter propellers....I dunno, these are from the top of my head. Ofc those can easily be animated by hand, but im sure there would be other uses.
A feature that im also adding is animated textures,sprites, skins(however you want to call it). They can, ofc, be keyframed so its not limited to one animated texture per animation. Imagine uhhh....spinning blades, wheels(wow bad examples...=p), gfx effects(if your savvy enough).
If anyone has any ideas, or anything, go ahead and post.