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PK's Paramount Paranormal Pixel Parmesan
Sorry for taking almost a whole month to respond, I've been pretty busy with stuff lately and I didn't want to post here unless I had some kind of progress to show..
Your critique of my Link sprite is very valuable, I will definitely take your comments into account when I revise the sprite later. I also agree that Horsehead's arms need work, the reason his left forearm is so short is because I was trying to use foreshortening but I mostly failed.

I attempted the Mountain Hero's hair and I've started work on a self portrait in the same style
[Image: KyESL.png]

Messages In This Thread
RE: PK's Provocative Proactive Pixel Propaganda - by Phantom Killah - 07-21-2012, 03:22 PM
RE: PK's Poignant Perennial Pixel Party - by Gors - 08-10-2012, 11:35 AM

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