11-12-2008, 06:49 PM
(11-10-2008, 10:43 AM)KillerAslox Wrote: At least I want a restriction for people with below 25-50 posts, to not being able to rate, because there are alot of people who just make a few alts., and then de-rep someone they don't like, and that you can have a siggy when you have 20 posts or more, since there are alot of noobs with 10 posts, that have big sigs.
If I can add-on, there are n00bs that de-rep in retaliation for no good reason. I've been hit by n00bs three times when I left justifiable down-reps on their rep reports (one had his account deleted). But I don't want a post count limit before one is allowed to use the rep system. I want a time limit.
Like people must be logged in for exactly 14 days before the rep system becomes available. 2 weeks should be enough time to learn the in and outs of the forum and learn how to use the rep system properly.