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PK's Paramount Paranormal Pixel Parmesan
dark skinned people can have lighter lips, so making them could avoid them from being too monochromatic. Also some parts of the shading aren't giving the character volume (see Jest's light gray vest, Choe-gi's lower part of the robe, the sad rock dude with purple arm).

Also in that same guy, the legs are too short compared to the body. Legs are like, more than half of the person's height (usually) so I think you should edit that.

I like the girl, though, her pose is really cool (though the sword blends with her sleeve).

random suggestion: try making other types of faces, such as blonde, curly hair, red hair, mohawks etc. as a training; i think it'll be really interesting!
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Messages In This Thread
RE: PK's Poignant Perennial Pixel Party - by Gors - 08-10-2012, 11:35 AM

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