(08-20-2012, 09:53 AM)Previous Wrote: Sarcasm, improving the internet since 1969Stepping into new territory is the fun part of spriting, actually I'm currently working on sprite which I've never done before.(So I'm honestly clueless on the details of it
I think you should be less harsh. While you have a point - it's a shame Nayr isn't trying anything else - Koopaul is absolutely correct about the fun part. Some people sprite for fun and that's about it and I wouldn't say Nayr is doing the most awful pixels. Whilt it is fine to tell someone he probably should consider expanding into other fields, it gets wrong and anoying when you start sounding like you demand it. Since he stated these FE things are all he wants to do, either help him with that or leave the thread alone.
tl;dr there was no need for that last, purely provocative post.

But I guess it's ok to chose a group or style and stay with it, since it's his choice. So I agree with you previous.