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Favorite/Least Favorite Part of Any Video Game
Hard Modes (without New Game +, though even New Game + isn't amazing). Like seriously, after completing a game of considerable length the last thing I want to do is to play through it again straight away. But if I leave it and play something else not only will I loose interest in the game but then when I play it again I'll suck at it because I haven't played it for ages. And thus my completion rate is ruined.

Also... games without Hard Mode (feel free to applaud the contradiction that has just happened). Though this is more for "kids games" (god I hate that term). New SMB on the DS was the most disappointing game I've ever played. I was hyped for this game, like super hyped. It had been a long time since we had a new 2D Mario game. It pretty much killed Nintendo for me for a long long time, was the last nail in the coffin, the straw that broke the camel's back etc and all that stuff. It was too easy, like way way too easy (and the music sucked and the polygon on sprite floor and all that looked awful). Why did they not make a Hard Mode? Sure it wouldn't fix all the issues but at least then I'd feel as if I was playing a game, and not just watching a game be played. The difficulty was so non-existent that it was boring. For Mario "Make it harder" isn't the best solution as it stops kids from enjoying it. I mean how many 6 year-old kids could actually complete SMB3? Very few. Here an option of difficulty would work, and work well.

Freedom to explore back to where you're meant to be going - Exploring is great. But say your out in a big desert in a game, and then you go away for a few days. When you come back you have no idea what the smeg you're meant to be doing or going. Batman's loading screen is a prime example of how to fix this without even touching the game. But Darksiders 2's crow also seems to be fine. Basically I like something which lets me know what the hell I'm meant to be doing if I have forgotten.

Capcom's on-disc DLC (and that they see no issue with it) should be illegal. Imagine if it happened with music. You don't buy an album and then pay £3 for 2 extra tracks to be unlocked. Gamers are utterly useless at boycotting things though so it'll never end. Konami (minus Kojima) and Capcom need to start getting their act together before it's too late.
[Image: randomimage.cgi]
Thanked by: Kami

Messages In This Thread
RE: Favorite/Least Favorite Part of Any Video Game - by Goemar - 08-21-2012, 07:27 AM

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