08-26-2012, 04:18 AM
(08-26-2012, 03:21 AM)Wigglytuff Wrote: P.S. This may be the wrong board but for some reason the site wouldn't let me post in the request boardI've always been wondering why, on the internet, where text is all and everything, people fail again and again, over and over to read what is in plain sight.
Quote:(Members under 20 Posts and have not been on the forums for at least a month cannot post here.)
Besides this is more of a general question than a request anyways so I'll move it to our Questions section

For the NDS, Tahaxan or Tinke are recommended. Tahaxan is a bit outdated, I think, and Tinke sometimes crashes... Either way, look for a recent version of Tinke. They are programs that can open .NDS roms and list (plus extract) the files within. Then you pretty much have to look through the files and try to find something... Some may be in standard formats that can be directly viewed, others should be extracted and examined with a tile viewer like Barubary's TiledGGD. Some files may be compressed, but Tahaxan and Tinke come with the most common decompression capabilities. Although some games like to be special (FE

I don't have those two games you mentioned here myself so I can't give any specific hints taylored to these ROMs.
PS: General advice: PNG should be preferred over BMP