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Favorite/Least Favorite Part of Any Video Game

-Post-credits gameplay
-New levels/items/etc. after defeating the final boss
-Sound Test (All games should have this!)
-Re-battle previous bosses during final stage(s) - either in current state, or how your character was when you first fought them... both are fun in their own way
-"Enlightenment"-type event (where your character receives a tremendous power-up following a difficult trial)
-Second quests... with enough new features to distinquish them from their standard counterparts (perfect example: Super Mario 3D Land)

Least Favorites:

-Water levels, where underwater control is difficult or tedious
-Cutscenes with slowly-panning camera and/or slow-scrolling dialogue
-Obscure parts where you are forced to control another character that doesn't really have much meaning/relevance
-Long stretches with few or no save points
-Escort-type missions where the escortee is fragile, slow, or has poor AI
-Stealth-focused missions where you're without a means of defendng yourself
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Favorite/Least Favorite Part of Any Video Game - by Pokemondothon - 08-29-2012, 09:18 PM

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