Voting (Majority 12):
Shadow Kami - 1
Nobody - 9
Zabadaben - 1
Keiang - 1
Trollerskates - 1
redblueyellow - 1
Gold - 1
Hoeloe - 1
As the users gathered into the hall, the beam of light shone again, and Hoeloe descended.
"So," he said to the crowd. "Who have you decided?"
A voice chimed from the back of the crowd. "Shadow Kami!"
Someone else asked, "Why him?"
"No reason, really."
"Well I'm voting for no-one. We don't have enough information to be sure."
There was a murmuring of agreement at this.
"What about Zabadaben?"
Hoeloe watched as they all bickered between themselves over who should be banned this night.
"I think it's you!"
"This happened last time... I'm trying to help you!" Hoeloe said in response.
Someone else spoke up. "It's redblueyellow, I reckon."
"Enough!" Hoeloe yelled, and the hall fell, slowly, into silence. "Who have you decided?"
At once, each person spoke a name. Almost everyone had voted for someone different. Hoeloe sighed.
"I can't help you if you aren't willing to help yourselves. The same thing happened the last time. Rally together, and see if you can reach a consensus tomorrow."
And so saying, the beam of light appeared again. When it faded, Hoeloe was gone.
There was no majority, and so no-one was executed.
As he wandered back from the meeting, TorchManiac wondered. He knew what they were fighting against, but how could he best combat them? He had no mod powers, and no way to directly combat the garbage members, so what could he do?
The answer came to him quite quickly. He might not be able to fight them, but he could stop them from attacking others. He knew how they fought, and he knew exactly how to fight against them. They disposed of people by showing them horrors they had never dreamed of, but he knew how to use spoiler tags. He could stop people from ever seeing them!
He was so engrossed in this new idea, that he stopped paying too much attention to what was going on elsewhere. He turned a corner, and saw something terrible. Something so horrific, his eyes set alight.
![[Image: L6EhE.png]](
TorchManiac was screaming, as the fire that burned his eyes spread to the rest of him. Soon, he was just dust and smoke.
"I guess not, then."
TorchManiac was shown a recolour, and was banned. He was the Spoiler Tagger, a good member who could prevent Recolourer attacks
Rosencrantz was sitting at home. He'd left the meeting as soon as it had become clear that no-one would be banned. He sat on his own, browsing through the requests forum, occasionally stopping to ask requests of his own. He hadn't been here for long. The site had been recommended to him by a friend of a friend, and he wasn't sure what he was expecting, but it wasn't this. Not the garbage the forum had become.
He suddenly became aware that he wasn't alone in the room. He turned to find someone standing in the shadow of the corner of the room. He tried to cry out, but something locked around his throat, and he felt a horrible tearing sensation, like the soul was being torn from his body. In a minute, it was over, and Rosencrantz was gone. The figure smiled to itself, and walked away.
Rosencrantz had his sprite stolen, and was banned. He was the Requester, a neutral member who could stop night from occurring once
Meanwhile, Shadow Kami wandered the streets after the meeting. His name had been the first to be mentioned, and he was worried. If one could say it, then others might, too. No majority had been found today, so he was safe. But for how long?
As he headed towards his workshop, he heard an echo of footsteps behind him. He turned around, suddenly, but saw nothing. Becoming ever more nervous, he hurried on. The footsteps continued. Again, he looked, and again he saw nothing. Nervousness had become downright panic, and he ran back into his workshop and sat down, breathing heavily. He looked over his latest work:
![[Image: link10.png]](
He'd found this sheet buried among the submissions on the site, and he was almost ready to post them under his name. He smiled as he thought of the praise he would get, and set to work altering the credit tag. He knew his fellows were out at work tonight, too, so it was, on the whole, a good day.
He felt a hand on his shoulder.
Slowly, he turned round. A shadowy figure stood over him, a horrifying grin on its face. Very deliberately, it spoke:
"Those sprites suck, you should go to hell."
Shadow Kami screamed in horror as his body disintegrated, burning in black flames, and then there was silence.
The dark figure was gone, and Shadow Kami nothing but a pile of ash on the floor.
Shadow Kami was trolled, and banned. He was a Sprite Thief, an evil member who could steal other member's sprites and ban them
Night 1 summary:
- Nobody was executed
- TorchManiac was banned
- Rosencrantz was banned
- Shadow Kami was banned
Dawn of the second day
19 players remain
Majority: 10
Voting (Majority 12):
Shadow Kami - 1
Nobody - 9
Zabadaben - 1
Keiang - 1
Trollerskates - 1
redblueyellow - 1
Gold - 1
Hoeloe - 1
As the users gathered into the hall, the beam of light shone again, and Hoeloe descended.
"So," he said to the crowd. "Who have you decided?"
A voice chimed from the back of the crowd. "Shadow Kami!"
Someone else asked, "Why him?"
"No reason, really."
"Well I'm voting for no-one. We don't have enough information to be sure."
There was a murmuring of agreement at this.
"What about Zabadaben?"
Hoeloe watched as they all bickered between themselves over who should be banned this night.
"I think it's you!"
"This happened last time... I'm trying to help you!" Hoeloe said in response.
Someone else spoke up. "It's redblueyellow, I reckon."
"Enough!" Hoeloe yelled, and the hall fell, slowly, into silence. "Who have you decided?"
At once, each person spoke a name. Almost everyone had voted for someone different. Hoeloe sighed.
"I can't help you if you aren't willing to help yourselves. The same thing happened the last time. Rally together, and see if you can reach a consensus tomorrow."
And so saying, the beam of light appeared again. When it faded, Hoeloe was gone.
There was no majority, and so no-one was executed.
As he wandered back from the meeting, TorchManiac wondered. He knew what they were fighting against, but how could he best combat them? He had no mod powers, and no way to directly combat the garbage members, so what could he do?
The answer came to him quite quickly. He might not be able to fight them, but he could stop them from attacking others. He knew how they fought, and he knew exactly how to fight against them. They disposed of people by showing them horrors they had never dreamed of, but he knew how to use spoiler tags. He could stop people from ever seeing them!
He was so engrossed in this new idea, that he stopped paying too much attention to what was going on elsewhere. He turned a corner, and saw something terrible. Something so horrific, his eyes set alight.
![[Image: L6EhE.png]](
TorchManiac was screaming, as the fire that burned his eyes spread to the rest of him. Soon, he was just dust and smoke.
"I guess not, then."
TorchManiac was shown a recolour, and was banned. He was the Spoiler Tagger, a good member who could prevent Recolourer attacks
Rosencrantz was sitting at home. He'd left the meeting as soon as it had become clear that no-one would be banned. He sat on his own, browsing through the requests forum, occasionally stopping to ask requests of his own. He hadn't been here for long. The site had been recommended to him by a friend of a friend, and he wasn't sure what he was expecting, but it wasn't this. Not the garbage the forum had become.
He suddenly became aware that he wasn't alone in the room. He turned to find someone standing in the shadow of the corner of the room. He tried to cry out, but something locked around his throat, and he felt a horrible tearing sensation, like the soul was being torn from his body. In a minute, it was over, and Rosencrantz was gone. The figure smiled to itself, and walked away.
Rosencrantz had his sprite stolen, and was banned. He was the Requester, a neutral member who could stop night from occurring once
Meanwhile, Shadow Kami wandered the streets after the meeting. His name had been the first to be mentioned, and he was worried. If one could say it, then others might, too. No majority had been found today, so he was safe. But for how long?
As he headed towards his workshop, he heard an echo of footsteps behind him. He turned around, suddenly, but saw nothing. Becoming ever more nervous, he hurried on. The footsteps continued. Again, he looked, and again he saw nothing. Nervousness had become downright panic, and he ran back into his workshop and sat down, breathing heavily. He looked over his latest work:
![[Image: link10.png]](
He'd found this sheet buried among the submissions on the site, and he was almost ready to post them under his name. He smiled as he thought of the praise he would get, and set to work altering the credit tag. He knew his fellows were out at work tonight, too, so it was, on the whole, a good day.
He felt a hand on his shoulder.
Slowly, he turned round. A shadowy figure stood over him, a horrifying grin on its face. Very deliberately, it spoke:
"Those sprites suck, you should go to hell."
Shadow Kami screamed in horror as his body disintegrated, burning in black flames, and then there was silence.
The dark figure was gone, and Shadow Kami nothing but a pile of ash on the floor.
Shadow Kami was trolled, and banned. He was a Sprite Thief, an evil member who could steal other member's sprites and ban them
Night 1 summary:
- Nobody was executed
- TorchManiac was banned
- Rosencrantz was banned
- Shadow Kami was banned
Dawn of the second day
19 players remain
Majority: 10