09-12-2012, 07:30 PM
The faces need to have their images assigned. It can be done manually, but that's obviously slow.
I don't know if there's already a quick solution elsewhere, but I wrote this script for Blender 2.63. Switch to the 'text editor' section of Blender, create a new text, paste this in and run.
I don't know if there's already a quick solution elsewhere, but I wrote this script for Blender 2.63. Switch to the 'text editor' section of Blender, create a new text, paste this in and run.
import bpy
for mesh in bpy.data.meshes:
for p in mesh.polygons:
mat = mesh.materials[p.material_index]
if mat != None and mat.active_texture.type == 'IMAGE':
mesh.uv_textures[0].data[p.index].image = mat.active_texture.image