We are seriously close to winning this Keiang. I won't PM you anymore, since that would make me even more suspicious.
This will sound pretentious, but half of my other post was to protect me and you. Calling out kills, makes the killer pretty much don't want to do them. I was going to PM you that, but I chose to not. I see I made a good decision.
I'm very very sure you're innocent, which makes this more favorable and even goes with my suspicion of Britt I had since the beginning. Me being off 2 times already is what made me hold back.
I seriously need you to believe that all this suspicion that gathered around me is first time mistake. It's me over explaining myself, while not realizing that you aren't as sure as I am that you are an innocent.
So, let me try to elaborate a sound case against Britt, if that's what it takes to convince you:
Point 1: Redblueyellow's post:
I'm still not sure what he meant, if he was doing mind tricks or not, but seeing as I'm pretty sure Britt is the baddie, he was actually serious, which is a real surprise. I don't know if there can be multiple winners, like if they kill all the innocents would the Sprite Thieves and Trolls would win, or something like that? I don't know, if only one winner is possible, that's the only reason I see for him calling out other baddies.
Point 2: Britt's rebuttal:
He's pretty much playing the "i'm innocent but if you guys want to vote for me, i can't do anything about it" card. That's kinda suspicious, I kinda understand now that trying to prove yourself innocent is even more suspicious, but it seems he gave up way to easily.
Pointing out RedBlueYellow is a baddie, as a mean to defend himself. Also pulls out victim card again, giving up way easily.
I find this funny, he accuses Robo9 and Shiyadezubuzu, but then later:
Even though he pretty much listed a reason (inactivity) before, also:
Then he counters himself. I see that he can have realized that was a bad plan, but it's still weird.
I also had noticed this, but the fact that Britt notices this too, makes banning Sol by mistake, thinking he's innocent, all the more belieavble (remember, he also got that PM Sol sent).
Point 3: Eagerness to end the game on the previous night
This may have been (I actually believe so) an honest mistake, but may have some sort of subconcious influence behind it. He seems anxious.
His time constraints also may be real, but again, he seems eager to finish this off quick. Getting a ban on that night would ensure his victory.
Those are my points. If you want to comment on them, feel free and I'll respond. I was actually really suspicious of Sorario, I'm kinda glad he got killed (sorry man
). Not being present, not receiving any Sol PM and he being suspicious of you, which is very weird, since your role was basically 100% confirmed, made me think he was a baddie all along. But then, I wanted to make a joke about how if Shiyadezubuzu was still alive one more day, this game would have been much easier, so I started to re-read posts, and then I started to notice (again) how suspicious Britt was. His concerns seemed, um, false. Like he wanted to put doubt into our heads (and succeded so far, actually).
This may seem harsh, and may even make a case against me, making us lose the game. But I don't care, I'm 90% sure that he's the bad guy (the other 10% goes to you Keiang, but you've been so convincing, that I wouldn't mind losing to you, in case you are a baddie), so, my vote is set already.
Vote: Britt
This will sound pretentious, but half of my other post was to protect me and you. Calling out kills, makes the killer pretty much don't want to do them. I was going to PM you that, but I chose to not. I see I made a good decision.
I'm very very sure you're innocent, which makes this more favorable and even goes with my suspicion of Britt I had since the beginning. Me being off 2 times already is what made me hold back.
I seriously need you to believe that all this suspicion that gathered around me is first time mistake. It's me over explaining myself, while not realizing that you aren't as sure as I am that you are an innocent.
So, let me try to elaborate a sound case against Britt, if that's what it takes to convince you:
Point 1: Redblueyellow's post:
Quote:Redblueyellow says:
it was nice talking to you Gold. keep an eye out for Sol and Britt for baddie characters. just a bit of a hunch
I'm still not sure what he meant, if he was doing mind tricks or not, but seeing as I'm pretty sure Britt is the baddie, he was actually serious, which is a real surprise. I don't know if there can be multiple winners, like if they kill all the innocents would the Sprite Thieves and Trolls would win, or something like that? I don't know, if only one winner is possible, that's the only reason I see for him calling out other baddies.
Point 2: Britt's rebuttal:
Odd, I figured you guy would have gone after Sol, seeing as he obviously has more experience within the game then most of us. I honestly didn't see him making it even this far. I know there isn't anything I can do to change your minds at this point
He's pretty much playing the "i'm innocent but if you guys want to vote for me, i can't do anything about it" card. That's kinda suspicious, I kinda understand now that trying to prove yourself innocent is even more suspicious, but it seems he gave up way to easily.
Quote:Just remember who you're getting your information from. I figure this is RedBlueYellow trying to take out some innocents after his death, by pitting us against each other, and misinforming us. But hell, the chances of you believing me are slim anyways.
Pointing out RedBlueYellow is a baddie, as a mean to defend himself. Also pulls out victim card again, giving up way easily.
Quote:I suppose what I'm trying to get you guys to understand, is that its possible that RBY is trying to use Sol and I as pawns to distract is from his last living partner, who I believe could possibly be Shiyadezubuzu or maybe Robo9 going by my previous theory that the people who aren't posting are doing so to keep from drawing attention to themselves.
I find this funny, he accuses Robo9 and Shiyadezubuzu, but then later:
Though it doesn't really help my case, voting for somebody for no real reason.
Even though he pretty much listed a reason (inactivity) before, also:
Quote:Shiyadezubuzu has been completely inactive so far, but that only worked on Kat, and that was pure luck considering she became a troll the night before.
The chances of him being our last Enemy is slim.
Then he counters himself. I see that he can have realized that was a bad plan, but it's still weird.
Quote:Just to put this out there, even if I was the last enemy, there is no way sol would have a way of telling, nor would I have been able to tell if he was.
Two different alliances and all.
I also had noticed this, but the fact that Britt notices this too, makes banning Sol by mistake, thinking he's innocent, all the more belieavble (remember, he also got that PM Sol sent).
Point 3: Eagerness to end the game on the previous night
Quote:This is troubling, it could potentially be the last night, unless majority is reached.
This may have been (I actually believe so) an honest mistake, but may have some sort of subconcious influence behind it. He seems anxious.
Quote:I would've liked to avoid that if possible, due to my time constraints, but if that's what you guys want to do then lets go for it.
His time constraints also may be real, but again, he seems eager to finish this off quick. Getting a ban on that night would ensure his victory.
Those are my points. If you want to comment on them, feel free and I'll respond. I was actually really suspicious of Sorario, I'm kinda glad he got killed (sorry man

This may seem harsh, and may even make a case against me, making us lose the game. But I don't care, I'm 90% sure that he's the bad guy (the other 10% goes to you Keiang, but you've been so convincing, that I wouldn't mind losing to you, in case you are a baddie), so, my vote is set already.
Vote: Britt