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Mushroom Kingdom Tussle
Hello there! If you could take take a look at the nifty profile summary to the side, I've really only been here for a handful of weeks. Although I wish I had art to contribute, several crippling viruses on my main computer disable me from doing anything remotely similar to that so here we go.

As a (very) select few people here are aware, I help moderate a small Mario forum that was established around 2006. The forum's activity as of late has been nearly non-existent, with a few stray new posters here and there contributing next to nothing. In hope of restoring something resembling activity to the forum, I took advantage of the forum's die-rolling code to put together a skeleton for a turn-based forum game. The concept was to have two participating members engage in a 'battle' wherein they take turn rolling die using this code, and each die outcome would bear different results for either player. To build upon this skeleton, I added a TCG-like mechanic, where users would select two 'cards' to utilize for their battle. A player, during their turn, would roll a die for each of their existing cards, and that character would then execute an effect (usually an attack) based on the outcome. To keep with the Mario theme of the forum, the cards were all based around Mario characters.

The game itself was relatively balanced. There were no crippling issues with game mechanics, and a majority of the cards were considered balanced by the game's standards. However, the forum was so incredibly inactive that nobody had even bothered to pay attention to it (bar a few assisted playtests) despite the amount of work put into it and its overall enjoyability. And in a last-ditch effort to resuscitate the game, I was led here to post it here, maybe even have a few people playtest it on a makeshift jcink forum.

What I would like from you all, since I'm sure not all of you are playtesting superhumans, is to assess the game posted below, post some feedback on the game's accessibility, discuss the level of balance amongst the roster, and give some general crits on it. I'm not perfect, but you guys aren't stupid and if I could find the closest thing to perfection it would be this community. Thanks!

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Messages In This Thread
Mushroom Kingdom Tussle - by cuckoos - 10-07-2012, 09:27 PM
RE: Mushroom Kingdom Tussle - by Candel - 10-08-2012, 08:56 PM
RE: Mushroom Kingdom Tussle - by cuckoos - 10-09-2012, 06:17 AM
RE: Mushroom Kingdom Tussle - by Gors - 10-09-2012, 07:10 AM
RE: Mushroom Kingdom Tussle - by cuckoos - 10-10-2012, 06:05 PM
RE: Mushroom Kingdom Tussle - by Aiojk - 11-26-2012, 12:55 PM

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