I guess I got way more use out of the Wii than anyone else? I dunno, I have quite a list, while everyone else is like "meh". Weird.
No More Heroes 1/2
Resident Evil 4 (Wii Edition is best edition)
Tatsunoko vs Capcom
Super Mario Galaxy 1/2 (counting it as one game, they changed so little, sue me)
Zack & Wiki (despite never beating the last level because the difficulty curve is more like a sheer cliff face)
Muramasa (still need to beat that ><)
Super Paper Mario (TTYD is waaay better but I do love Super for a lot of reasons, not the least of which was the villains)
Sin & Punishment 2
and Brawl because it's kinda quintessential and I had way too much fun with hacks.
Honorable mentions include Metroid Prime 3 (controls were best, but the atmosphere and how scripted it felt destroyed what I liked about the first two, guess I kinda missed out when I didn't get Trilogy >: ) MadWorld (fun but way too repetitive to be considered great) and House of the Dead: Overkill (for the incredibly over the top and just plain silly bad writing, and also, along with MadWorld and NMH, you get a very "wait this is a Wii game?" feeling from it)
Still need to play Kirby's Epic Yarn and Return to Dreamland, DKC Returns, Sonic Colors, Little King's Story and ToSotNW.
EDIT: For how "kiddy" the Wii was, sure are a lot of T and M rated games in that list! Heh.
No More Heroes 1/2
Resident Evil 4 (Wii Edition is best edition)
Tatsunoko vs Capcom
Super Mario Galaxy 1/2 (counting it as one game, they changed so little, sue me)
Zack & Wiki (despite never beating the last level because the difficulty curve is more like a sheer cliff face)
Muramasa (still need to beat that ><)
Super Paper Mario (TTYD is waaay better but I do love Super for a lot of reasons, not the least of which was the villains)
Sin & Punishment 2
and Brawl because it's kinda quintessential and I had way too much fun with hacks.
Honorable mentions include Metroid Prime 3 (controls were best, but the atmosphere and how scripted it felt destroyed what I liked about the first two, guess I kinda missed out when I didn't get Trilogy >: ) MadWorld (fun but way too repetitive to be considered great) and House of the Dead: Overkill (for the incredibly over the top and just plain silly bad writing, and also, along with MadWorld and NMH, you get a very "wait this is a Wii game?" feeling from it)
Still need to play Kirby's Epic Yarn and Return to Dreamland, DKC Returns, Sonic Colors, Little King's Story and ToSotNW.
EDIT: For how "kiddy" the Wii was, sure are a lot of T and M rated games in that list! Heh.