Sign me up!! I love this event 
Interests are: (oddly specific because I feel like it)
-My Ref
Some more images(Also my avatar)
-Earthbound/Mother series
Favorite characters are (but not limited to) Ness, Jeff, Andonuts, Everdred, Mad Duck, Kumatora, Loid, etc.
-HOMESTUCK (Jade is my favorite!)
I also like T3R3Z1 (heh) and Karkat
-Sonic (mainly Pre Sonic '06, mostly the 'classic' games)
Classic Eggman and Knuckles are my favorite
Favorites include Dragonite, Farfetch'd, Wobbuffet, Scraggy, Volbeat, Ludicolo, Spinda, Porygon, etc.
RSE was my favorite Pokemon game :>
-Up (Pixar)
(Pixar in general, excluding Cars)
Favorites include Roshi, King Kai, Oolong, Young Gohan, etc.
-The Japanese Language (not sure what can be done here, but I feel like including it)
I'll probably add to this up until the 25th!
(edit: Why are so many people thanking this post? :V)

Interests are: (oddly specific because I feel like it)
-My Ref
Some more images(Also my avatar)
-Earthbound/Mother series
Favorite characters are (but not limited to) Ness, Jeff, Andonuts, Everdred, Mad Duck, Kumatora, Loid, etc.
-HOMESTUCK (Jade is my favorite!)
I also like T3R3Z1 (heh) and Karkat
-Sonic (mainly Pre Sonic '06, mostly the 'classic' games)
Classic Eggman and Knuckles are my favorite
Favorites include Dragonite, Farfetch'd, Wobbuffet, Scraggy, Volbeat, Ludicolo, Spinda, Porygon, etc.
RSE was my favorite Pokemon game :>
-Up (Pixar)
(Pixar in general, excluding Cars)
Favorites include Roshi, King Kai, Oolong, Young Gohan, etc.
-The Japanese Language (not sure what can be done here, but I feel like including it)
I'll probably add to this up until the 25th!
(edit: Why are so many people thanking this post? :V)