11-30-2012, 03:20 PM
[2:56:36 PM] Angie: you should be more responsible gosh
[2:56:48 PM] Axle the Red: I know but internet... :c
[2:56:56 PM] Axle the Red: I don't mean to put things off
[2:56:59 PM] Axle the Red: it just happens...
[2:57:24 PM] Angie: what an irresponsible thing to say
[2:58:41 PM] Axle the Red: b-but... l-look...
[2:59:29 PM] Angie: I taught you better jet-chan
[2:59:44 PM] Axle the Red: I was afraid of being a disappointment...
[2:56:48 PM] Axle the Red: I know but internet... :c
[2:56:56 PM] Axle the Red: I don't mean to put things off
[2:56:59 PM] Axle the Red: it just happens...
[2:57:24 PM] Angie: what an irresponsible thing to say
[2:58:41 PM] Axle the Red: b-but... l-look...
[2:59:29 PM] Angie: I taught you better jet-chan
[2:59:44 PM] Axle the Red: I was afraid of being a disappointment...