Style isin't really my first concern, but trying to figure out what method of style is what comes down the line while looking for the balance in proportion: that's my real issue there, and arguing about it for months on end ain't helping, as we've been doing for the past few months due to narcassisim in my end.
Perhaps this is what turns me off from spriting and drawing, as some of these guides on DA seem harsh, but they mean well. But if I can figure out what "pigeonholding" actually means (since it's not a common art term, and has been driving me mad since day one), and since a member helped explain what an "eyeballed trace" was, there was less confusion, but sometimes I feel rather creatively cramped (lit. I have no idea what to do) with this term squeezing between me from different angles.
Perhaps if I actually found good sources of human photos, it will help me out a bit more.
Perhaps this is what turns me off from spriting and drawing, as some of these guides on DA seem harsh, but they mean well. But if I can figure out what "pigeonholding" actually means (since it's not a common art term, and has been driving me mad since day one), and since a member helped explain what an "eyeballed trace" was, there was less confusion, but sometimes I feel rather creatively cramped (lit. I have no idea what to do) with this term squeezing between me from different angles.
Perhaps if I actually found good sources of human photos, it will help me out a bit more.