Step 1:
Begin by downloading REZExtractor 1.1 from my Dropbox (since I can't find any of the original mirrors on the web anymore)
REZExtractor 1.1
Step 2:
Launch the REZExtractor program. Navigate to the "CLAW.REZ" file, and select an output folder for the extracted files.
Step 3:
Select the files you want to extract from the archive. For the purposes of this tutorial, we will just be extracting the sprites. Check the box for "PIDs" on the left, and
make sure to also select the box for "Convert PID to PNG". Otherwise you will have a bunch of proprietary image files that you can't do anything with.
Step 4:
Patience! The program is now extracting all of the files you requested (and converting if necessary).
Step 5:
Navigate to your chosen output directory, and you should now see a new folder (probably "CLAW_REZ"). Inside of this new folder will be all of the image files from the game that have been extracted and converted to PNG.