12-11-2012, 04:00 AM
(12-10-2012, 10:57 PM)Chirp Wrote: Actually I've been using some setup with C++ with something called SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer) because I had no idea how to even make a freaking window in C++ like I did in Java. Only using it because I did what pretty much every person that had no idea where to start would do, which was looking up random tutorials on the internet. I've read that SDL can be used with OpenGL though or something, I don't quite remember. I'm probably bad at theory stuff.
I'm actually more used to Java but I wanted to give C++ a try. It's just weird trying to transition because Java has a bunch of built in functions that I'm used to using and I'm not sure how to do similar functions in C++.
As soon as I figure out how to do things in C++ like, Arrays, Keyevents, and loops/timer?, I might actually be able do legit game programming. Maybe.
...Although I'd have to learn how 2D platformer games work. I tried to make one in Java but I didn't know how to make a simple way for me to load block placements that I could edit easily and only managed to make some random controls of jumping in midair infinitely.
I'm familiar with stuff like SDL/SFML but I want to bypass those entirely and work with the stuff that it actually abstracts away. Normally setting up a window is a messy process and OS-dependant, but GLUT can at least help deal with that by abstracting it away.
Java makes it seem so easy

Yeah, SDL can 'break through' down to OpenGL if you really need it. Probably if you need custom shaders or something. I know I'll want some Fragment Shaders for heat haze/reflection... I just need to figure out how I'm gonna do that well

C++ itself has no real concept of time or input beyond taking text input via console, but SDL provides a neat abstracted interface for input iirc, as does SFML. OpenGL doesn't (as it's just a graphics library, really), but once again GLUT comes to the rescue!
Too bad GLUT doesn't work on consoles, but I doubt that is a concern for either of us anytime soon

Another thing you might be interested in looking into, with regards to unimplemented functionality is the Boost library. It adds a lot of neat things.