01-02-2013, 04:35 PM
Necro'd, awright, I can continue a conversation!
I pointed out Dead Space because even though it technically isn't that close to the classic Dooms, it was still a good deal closer than Doom 3. There are closer ones, though, to be certain- the original Half-Life, the first Quake, the first Unreal, maybe Blood? I can probably think of more, but I'm not entirely sober, and I don't feel like it.
How many baddies did the Doomguy face down in your typical larger fights in Doom 3? Maybe four or five at a stretch, unless we're talking about the little Spidery motherfuckers (who I just punched, anyway). Dead Space likes throwing upwards of ten or so enemies at you, all of different varieties, requiring different tactics. Srsly, dat gymnasium fight. It's pretty much why I think Dead Space 3 is gonna be top-notch- it's always been at its best when it just drops trou and goes action-crazy.
I think the bit that really pisses me off about Doom 3 is that there were glimpses of the fast-action shooter it could easily have been. The Mancubus' introduction comes to mind.
Also, while everyone's talking horror: System Shock 2. Play it.
(08-10-2012, 12:19 PM)Goemar Wrote: Doom 3 is nothing like the first Dooms (so on that we agree). But I wouldn't say Dead Space was anything like the old Dooms which were more like "Hell yeah lets kill shit to cool music" than "Arrghh spooky things!"
I pointed out Dead Space because even though it technically isn't that close to the classic Dooms, it was still a good deal closer than Doom 3. There are closer ones, though, to be certain- the original Half-Life, the first Quake, the first Unreal, maybe Blood? I can probably think of more, but I'm not entirely sober, and I don't feel like it.
How many baddies did the Doomguy face down in your typical larger fights in Doom 3? Maybe four or five at a stretch, unless we're talking about the little Spidery motherfuckers (who I just punched, anyway). Dead Space likes throwing upwards of ten or so enemies at you, all of different varieties, requiring different tactics. Srsly, dat gymnasium fight. It's pretty much why I think Dead Space 3 is gonna be top-notch- it's always been at its best when it just drops trou and goes action-crazy.
I think the bit that really pisses me off about Doom 3 is that there were glimpses of the fast-action shooter it could easily have been. The Mancubus' introduction comes to mind.
Also, while everyone's talking horror: System Shock 2. Play it.