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Concept sprite, looking for opinions.
Hello, I have a couple sprites here for you.
[Image: ColorSchemeexperimentingClay.png]
This first set of them is where I started, and have been debating over colors. The one with fire is an alternate form, more on that later.
[Image: ClayConceptRedesign1_zps207346ca.png]
Now, this is a redesign of the above sprites. "Clay" as he is called is an intelligent construct, a golem that can think for itself.

What I'm looking for is some opinions, perhaps critique of the second sprite displayed. I would like to keep the metal collar and gauntlets, and the flesh tone. Though, I would like to cement a style for it too, something readable and interesting. I'm not sure I've totally accomplished that here, yet.

I intend to have a number of forms for this guy: one made of brick, another with the pot spouting fire for a head, anyway there's a bunch. But I'd like to keep the collar and gem. If any of you viewers have any suggestions, critique or creative. Please post them.

[update]: [Image: ClayFormexperimentation_zpsf34771fc.png] the aforementioned forms.
[update]: [Image: ClayFormexperimentation2_zpse5edcb03.png] some fixes implimented, color and pose.
Bearded Beast Illustrations
Photobucket Sprite Archive
If the study and practice of art, is not the endeavor to better one's skill constantly, then I don't know a damned thing.

Messages In This Thread
Concept sprite, looking for opinions. - by Bearded_Beast - 01-16-2013, 12:43 AM
Another attempt - by Bearded_Beast - 01-24-2013, 03:42 PM

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