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Novally's fighting games thread!
I was never heavy into fighting games, since that's all my cousin's like to play. I've been attached. I usually upload whatever gameplay I can. My capture card can't work on my laptop so I have to wait until I buy a new one to show off my real potential.

I've been addicted to Dead or Alive 5 recently. My first day of owning the game and I was winning ranked matches (interesting!). It's not that hard of a game but it's sure as hell not as dull as some of the games I have been playing lately *coughstreetfighterivcough*.

Here is me thrashing my cousin's friend (Who is supposed to be one of the best in his circle of friends)

Oh and me thrashing 'The Best DOA5 Player' at my college. I won't lie; I mainly bought this game to show him he wasn't the best. I guess I have his title since I beat him like 6 to 1 (I only uploaded the video where he used his main character just so it could sting a bit more).

I still play Street Fighter III. Here is a match with Evilagram and I.
He's much better than I am. I think I have a better chance at beating him in SFIV, P4A and SSBB.

Please watch me on Deviant Art!

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Novally's fighting games thread! - by Novally - 04-15-2013, 05:24 AM

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