04-26-2013, 07:53 AM
I was starting to wonder. 
anyway, all that was really needed was to split the "Battle Sounds" up into ~30MB chunks, which is possible to do myself but since I imagine there are a lot of files, it would take me some time (and using WinRAR's split to volumes/bytes function doesn't help either -- they have to be independant archives or else if someone downloads one part and not the others, none of them will work... if only there was a program that divided files up by even increments...). so that'd be appreciated.

anyway, all that was really needed was to split the "Battle Sounds" up into ~30MB chunks, which is possible to do myself but since I imagine there are a lot of files, it would take me some time (and using WinRAR's split to volumes/bytes function doesn't help either -- they have to be independant archives or else if someone downloads one part and not the others, none of them will work... if only there was a program that divided files up by even increments...). so that'd be appreciated.