(08-14-2013, 03:11 PM)Gorsalami Wrote:Quote:Konami: Twinbee, Rocket Knight Adventures, Metal Gear, Gradius, Parodius, Ganbare Goemon, Castlevania, Zone Of Enders (I'm a 90's Konami-fan mostly)
Treasure: Mischief Makers, Gunstar Heroes, Dynamite Headdy, Sin & Punishment
welcome to tVGR!
You're Gors?
Incase I could remind you maybe I'm KonaKonaKaabisteru from Youtube!
(08-14-2013, 05:34 PM)puggsoy Wrote: Hi IndyGo, welcome to the Resource! Looks like you've got a nice list of games and fandoms, I'm sure you'll fit in pretty nicely here. I can't say I'm all too familiar with most of them, but then again that's usually the case anyway
Hope you enjoy your time here!
Thanks! I feel bit same too, I think this place's filled with variety of fans liking everything-
(08-14-2013, 02:55 PM)Neweegee Wrote: Hello n' welcome! Hope you have a good time here!
No Tekken or Street Fighter on your list? Guess you're not a big fighting game fan, but I don't play many myself so...
I could say so- I think if any fighting I like is Smash Bros, I tend to stay away from things that seem hard to access (hahahah-)