09-14-2013, 05:26 PM
I beat Ys III SNES two weeks ago and what a terrible game it was
I don't even know why it is a series
Considering Ys III only, the sprites are very small for a game like that, the hitboxes are terrible, the physics are too rigid and often you have to wrestle against it to make a good jump. Also you can perform down stabs NOT by pressing down + attack, but pressing and holding the attack button. That's dumb. Also don't get me started on how the screen only scrolls when you are moving in the latter half of the screen
I also checked the other versions' gameplay, all being terrible. The Oath in Felghana (PSP) is obviously 'better' due to 3D gameplay and programmed from scratch, but I felt it turned into a 'jump like a lil' shit and slash enemies' fest...
I don't even know why it is a series
Considering Ys III only, the sprites are very small for a game like that, the hitboxes are terrible, the physics are too rigid and often you have to wrestle against it to make a good jump. Also you can perform down stabs NOT by pressing down + attack, but pressing and holding the attack button. That's dumb. Also don't get me started on how the screen only scrolls when you are moving in the latter half of the screen
I also checked the other versions' gameplay, all being terrible. The Oath in Felghana (PSP) is obviously 'better' due to 3D gameplay and programmed from scratch, but I felt it turned into a 'jump like a lil' shit and slash enemies' fest...