(09-15-2013, 05:03 PM)John2k4 Wrote: If you can open the save file/weapon with Gibbed (or whatever the save editor is), it should tell you what the grip is referred to internally as. I don't know how they organize their filesystem (poked around a bit to get some models but didn't do much), but knowing the internal name may help the search.
Thats the parts list in the borderlands Wiki. Is that what you refer to?
Also ive never used Gibbed so will have to look into it although amy tutorials/resources are welcome! And thanks, John
Edit: searching the extracts I found the names I pasted from the wiki, which are the materials. I found the materials which is 50% of what I wanted, now im missing the models. Searching those names only gave me the materials, not the models :c but so close