09-29-2013, 05:26 PM
(09-29-2013, 04:47 PM)Drshnaps Wrote: Looking at your sheet uploader brings some suggestions to mind.
1. The first is to possibly implement a keyword system to assist search results. You know, like tags on a tumblr post. For example, if I were to upload a spritesheet of Kirby's beam ability under the title "Beam Ability", it currently would not show up if someone were to do a search for "Kirby". But if keywords were implemented I could include "Kirby" as a tag to help it pop up.
2. Secondly, in the upload results page, it would be convenient to be provided the code for posting the sheet w/ icon on the forum. It would certainly speed things up when you are uploading a lot of sheets at once. (As opposed to having to obtain the URL for both the icon and the file and plugging them into the post code one at a time).
3. Also convenient would be a link on the results page that says "Upload More For This Game", so one does not have to go through the process of picking the console and then the letter and then the game title every time if they are uploading a large number of sheets for a single game.
4. Finally, there doesn't appear to be any way to alter a pending sheet? Like, what if someone accidentally uploaded the wrong image file, or made an alteration to the sheet within the time period between when they uploaded it and before it was approved.
5. On a related subject, what is someone supposed to do in the case that they are uploading a sheet that is supposed to be an update to an existing sheet? If there's nothing already in place, maybe we could use a comment field in order to leave suggestions/instructions for the people doing the approvals?
6. Getting off the subject of subject of the uploader, there does not seem to be an easy way to access your statistics page. You know, this thing. As it stands it seems the only way for me to get to it is to first look up a sheet that I submitted and then click on my name from there. It would be nice to be able to access this from the profile box on the right side of the screen.
(jeez I came here with two suggestions and it just kind of snowballed)
I'll go through point by point as I want to address everything properly. I've added numbers to the quote to make things easier to follow. You definitely have some good suggestions.
1. We're planning on doing this actually. We wanted to get at least the core features up and running before tackling a project that large though. When the time comes, we'll build it, announce it, and then ask for community assistance in tagging everything. It will be a massive project with just under 54,000 sheets on this site alone but one which we agree is worth the effort.
2. As in the direct path URLs to your now pending sheet? While I could easily provide a pre-formatted link (i.e. a link to the full sheet wrapped around the image for the icon, formatted for the forum), I'm not sure I see much need to. Those locations are temporary and the uploaded sheets are moved once they're accepted so they'd break as soon as they're processed. If I'm not understanding something here though, please let me know.
3. That's actually exactly what the "Add Another" button is for. If you click that, instead of "Submit", when adding a sheet, it will bring you right back to the add sheet page for that game with a convenient little box displaying the sheet you just uploaded above the form. Give it a try.
4. We've discussed this and agree that there are not likely to be enough cases to justify this system. Currently, staff can edit pending sheets so if you really need to make a change, you can always PM one of us to do it. In most cases though, I don't think this is going to be an issue and opening up submission editing to the public could wind up making site management a bit chaotic for the staff.
5. We have a revision system that we're working on. It's mostly written but requires a bit of modification before it's ready for the public. When it's up though, you'll see a "Submit Revision" link under every sheet (unless that sheet already has a pending revision) which will take you to a modified edit form. Filling that out and submitting it will queue the revision for approval by staff. And yes, your comment field suggestion is actually already incorporated into that form.
6. I know on VGFacts, I automatically add this link to every forum profile but that only works because submissions are tied to forum usernames over there. Here, you can set a custom submitter name so I don't really have that automatic link. You can, however, add your submitter name(s) to your own profile using this page which will add a link to the appropriate site directly to your own forum profile page: http://www.vg-resource.com/usercp.php?ac...ocialsites
I hope this addresses everything but please feel free to reply if I've missed anything or you need further clarification. You've definitely brought up some good points and I absolutely appreciate the feedback.