11-02-2013, 04:31 PM
- Dimetrodon rock/ground type. A fossil Pokemon. The sail resembles stalagmites webbed with crystal.
- Solifugae (Camel Spider/Wind Scorpion) bug/ground type. Has a sandy/rocky and appearance, runs really fast.
- Swordfish water type. Based around a fencer with the beak resembling the sabre.
- Mothman dark/flying type. Basing it's appearance on the original description.
- Tarasque dragon type. Yeah, this is one weird dragon.
- Wraith ghost type. Evil grin, skeletal arms/hands, black eyes with red pupils, tail instead of legs.
- Dimetrodon rock/ground type. A fossil Pokemon. The sail resembles stalagmites webbed with crystal.
- Solifugae (Camel Spider/Wind Scorpion) bug/ground type. Has a sandy/rocky and appearance, runs really fast.
- Swordfish water type. Based around a fencer with the beak resembling the sabre.
- Mothman dark/flying type. Basing it's appearance on the original description.
- Tarasque dragon type. Yeah, this is one weird dragon.
- Wraith ghost type. Evil grin, skeletal arms/hands, black eyes with red pupils, tail instead of legs.