12-04-2013, 11:08 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-31-2013, 06:45 AM by ChakraWarrior2012.)
I managed to extract, fix up and submit Lucemon (Falldown Mode), Ebonwumon & Azulongmon & Dexmon without too much problem.
I can't extract Shoutmon's model for some reason, but I can get the textures.
I can extract the models (but can't get the textures right) for: Alphamon, Alphamon Ouryuken, Ballistamon, Shoutmon X2, MaloMyotismon, Centarumon, Examon, Swimmon, Tylomon, Whamon, Neptunemon, Lucemon (rookie form), Mikemon, Persiamon & Lilithmon.
Reptiledramon can be gotten fine, but the textures are messed up.
I can't seem to get ToyAgumon, Lucemon (ShadowLord Mode), Psychemon, Astamon, Belphemon (Sleep Mode), MadLeomon, Zhuqiaomon, or Baihumon yet (and I don't know where the hell Grademon is in the files either).
Here's Lucemon's 2 Textures for an example of my Texture problems and I would appreciate any help on how to fix it.
I hope someone can help me find a fix for this...
I can't extract Shoutmon's model for some reason, but I can get the textures.
I can extract the models (but can't get the textures right) for: Alphamon, Alphamon Ouryuken, Ballistamon, Shoutmon X2, MaloMyotismon, Centarumon, Examon, Swimmon, Tylomon, Whamon, Neptunemon, Lucemon (rookie form), Mikemon, Persiamon & Lilithmon.
Reptiledramon can be gotten fine, but the textures are messed up.
I can't seem to get ToyAgumon, Lucemon (ShadowLord Mode), Psychemon, Astamon, Belphemon (Sleep Mode), MadLeomon, Zhuqiaomon, or Baihumon yet (and I don't know where the hell Grademon is in the files either).
Here's Lucemon's 2 Textures for an example of my Texture problems and I would appreciate any help on how to fix it.
I hope someone can help me find a fix for this...