It looks like my trophy submissions got rejected due to not using all of the textures. Well, whenever I add the bump maps to these models in Blender, then view them in Rendered mode, it shows the bump maps, but then when I save the .obj, open that .obj, and view it in Rendered mode, the bump maps go missing. I have no idea why that is, so that's why I was only using the standard textures on the ones I submitted. But if I do make the model use the bump maps, even if they don't display, would my submission be accepted, or rejected?
Anyway, maverick turned me onto a program called Milkshape, which is a free program that can apparently display .psk files with textures (something that P.O.S. Blender can't do), so expect character models soon in addition to the items and objects.
EDIT: Just downloaded Milkshape and have been messing around with it. For a test, I opened Rosalind (Lollipop Chainsaw) and Pamela (Klonoa). I was able to add both of their textures no problem. However, whenever I try to export them as a .dae, they lose their armatures. On top of that, Rosalind's meshes get screwed up when I export her as a .dae. Dunno why this is...
Anyway, maverick turned me onto a program called Milkshape, which is a free program that can apparently display .psk files with textures (something that P.O.S. Blender can't do), so expect character models soon in addition to the items and objects.
EDIT: Just downloaded Milkshape and have been messing around with it. For a test, I opened Rosalind (Lollipop Chainsaw) and Pamela (Klonoa). I was able to add both of their textures no problem. However, whenever I try to export them as a .dae, they lose their armatures. On top of that, Rosalind's meshes get screwed up when I export her as a .dae. Dunno why this is...