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Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire
@Koh: Literally none of the generation transferring methods use the internet except Bank... which uses the 3DS Wifi servers, not the DS. You don't even need a DS to use it, it's just putting a DS game into your 3DS and using a 3DS app. 3DS!!

... Why would they introduce the Pokemon Transporter/Pokemon Bank if it was going to stop working half a year later...?

Ah but yeah! I am excited but cautiously optimistic! I honestly didn't enjoy X/Y that much (I can explain but I'll only explain if anyone wants me to...) and Gen VI so far has left a bit of a sour taste in my mouth and I kind of don't trust Game Freak to not fuck this up. I'm staying pretty reserved until there's actually gameplay footage revealed.

However, it doesn't stop me from wondering a bunch of stuff like: will they change the bike to the way it worked in Gen IV where it had two speeds or will it switch? What'll they do with the Game Corner now that they seem to have completely sworn off the whole "gambling in Pokemon games" thing? Will they change much of the geography due to the transition to 3D? Kalos was built up to have a more angled and organic map, so will they alter Hoenn to be less square? And if so, how exactly? Will they attempt to make the surfing/diving routes less tedious somehow? Will Wally actually be interesting? Will the music's instrumentation not suck ass this time? Will they have customization? Can you imagine Professor Birch in 3D???
Thanked by: Sol

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RE: Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire - by Tellis - 05-09-2014, 02:03 AM

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