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Sonic Game Models! (Updates on third post) (Update 03/02/2016)
(07-12-2014, 02:38 PM)Trollerskates Wrote: Man, these rips are great. Maybe this is one step closer to ripping t-posed SatBK models...

Does Sharah appear as a 3D model anywhere in the game? If so, is it possible to rip her model, too?
As RTB said, SatBK uses the same model format. I just uploaded Sonic, actually. As far as Sharah goes, unfortunately, no. She only appears in cutscenes, sadly...

(07-12-2014, 04:12 PM)Random Talking Bush Wrote: As for the party-mode characters, I'll take a look sometime in the next few days. I should be able to get their model files from memory dumps.
I hope you can find out how to get them!

Also an update, as stated above, I added Sonic from SatBK! He had a lot of extra files I didn't expect. Cry
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RE: Sonic Storybook models! (Update 7/12/2014) - by josh98 - 07-12-2014, 07:52 PM

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