If you're gonna have your own form of SEO you shouldn't make it that bleedingly obvious, lol.
If I Was Doing Financial Advising Here, I'd charge indie devs a flat $5 to get their content up and noticed in the roulette (first 50 devs free?)
Make each section of the site one page and add banner advertisements on each side. Given the minimalist nature of the site to begin with, I don't think they'd be all that unobtrusive to begin with.
People using ad-blockers? Redirect them to a page and ask them to disable their adblockers.
I mean, at least with ads and the flat charge you'd be able to make single votes free. because it'd generate revenue regardless of votes :V
If I Was Doing Financial Advising Here, I'd charge indie devs a flat $5 to get their content up and noticed in the roulette (first 50 devs free?)
Make each section of the site one page and add banner advertisements on each side. Given the minimalist nature of the site to begin with, I don't think they'd be all that unobtrusive to begin with.
People using ad-blockers? Redirect them to a page and ask them to disable their adblockers.
I mean, at least with ads and the flat charge you'd be able to make single votes free. because it'd generate revenue regardless of votes :V