Hmm could you give me a file from the game just so I'm able to test things? I only have XNA 4.0 now so if I can't get that to work, I'll download and try the other versions.
@Deathbringer, it means exactly as it says. IIRC, the HiDef XNA profile requires the end user to download some additional stuffs for it, while the XNA reach profile doesn't. I can't remember the details technical-wise all that much because it's been a while since I've had to even think about it. My build wouldn't work because it was (probably) compiled for Reach profile. I think I'd have to make another build for HiDef profile in order for it to work. Having a test file would help.
@Deathbringer, it means exactly as it says. IIRC, the HiDef XNA profile requires the end user to download some additional stuffs for it, while the XNA reach profile doesn't. I can't remember the details technical-wise all that much because it's been a while since I've had to even think about it. My build wouldn't work because it was (probably) compiled for Reach profile. I think I'd have to make another build for HiDef profile in order for it to work. Having a test file would help.