10-02-2014, 01:05 AM
(10-01-2014, 08:43 PM)Lilothestitch Wrote: RTB I'm not asking for a request but can you add Dialga, Giratina, & Palkia to your next set?I'll pick whatever I feel like working at the time, please be patient.
Anyway, I was unexpectedly productive today. Don't expect another bunch like this tomorrow.
#066 Machop

#067 Machoke

#068 Machamp

#070 Weepinbell

#104 Cubone

#105 Marowak

#137 Porygon

#233 Porygon2

#251 Celebi

#262 Mightyena

#447 Riolu

#448 Lucario

#679 Honedge

#680 Doublade

#681 Aegislash




Those three were the only NPCs that worked with my script right away, everyone else has that problem I was referring to earlier. I guess I'll take care of those later, I'll need to write a bunch of things manually for their models specifically.