Thanks, this circle pad is about to tear to pieces and the 3DS is all sweaty from the countless demo matches AAAA
Also god damn that diddy
EDIT: NEW!! XXXX HOT SEXY GRENINJA ACTION LEADS TO BOWSER MOUTH FOR THE KILL RATED T, no seriously what kind of bullshit was that, haha. Man though, some of these voices are cringe worthy. I swear Fox and LittleMac are still Japanese somehow.
Holy hell, Luigi's green missile looks like it took a serious nerf, and you're also very good with Alph.
Also god damn that diddy
EDIT: NEW!! XXXX HOT SEXY GRENINJA ACTION LEADS TO BOWSER MOUTH FOR THE KILL RATED T, no seriously what kind of bullshit was that, haha. Man though, some of these voices are cringe worthy. I swear Fox and LittleMac are still Japanese somehow.
Holy hell, Luigi's green missile looks like it took a serious nerf, and you're also very good with Alph.