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what character do you want in super smash bros someday
this is a what if thread to hear which characters people would have added to super smash bros or or one they  would one day add to super smash bros if they ever got the chance as well why they think there choice is ssb worthy.

heres my choice as an example.

name: marina lightyears

game:mischief makers

cannon powers:super strength  , ability to grab enemy attacks, booster assisted dashing, booster assisted jump/hovering, one of the  longest  life bars in platform games.

why he/she should be in ssb:her game is one of the funnest platformers  ever having a great story line and a type of cute wanderment about it while mixing in more serious themes with out it get stupid. marina her self is also a very well thought out character and  incredaby powerful yet fun.she is also one of the most unique female fighters in gaming since she can only grab enemys and attacks and throw them. given her fun and uniqueness i think she would have made an amazing addition to the roster.
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what character do you want in super smash bros someday - by trans the psycopath - 10-07-2014, 09:14 PM

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