10-15-2014, 05:50 PM
(Obligatory Pokémon models here.)
Pokémon X/Y:

Next thing I'll do is to update that Sonic script to have automatic texture importing.
Pokémon X/Y:
#065 Alakazam

#080 Slowbro

#115 Kangaskhan

#151 Mew

#257 Blaziken

#282 Gardevoir

#351 Castform

#359 Absol

#362 Glalie

#380 Latias

#381 Latios

#475 Gallade

#479 Rotom

#553 Krookodile

#560 Scrafty

#635 Hydreigon

#660 Diggersby

#677 Espurr

#684 Swirlix

#689 Barbaracle

#694 Helioptile

#701 Hawlucha

#706 Goodra

#714 Noibat

#715 Noivern


Next thing I'll do is to update that Sonic script to have automatic texture importing.