When you click on the model, lots of Things should appear under it.
Try Right clicking on One of them.
Oh, and you can extract All the files in the ZAR file by pushing "Extract Archive", under the "Archive" choice
They're usually named SEPD...., so it shouldn't be to hard.
EDIT: Right clicking doesn't work.
In that case, I haven't the foggiest idea.
Well in any case, I'm claiming Ganon, if it isn't obvious enough.
Try Right clicking on One of them.
Oh, and you can extract All the files in the ZAR file by pushing "Extract Archive", under the "Archive" choice
They're usually named SEPD...., so it shouldn't be to hard.
EDIT: Right clicking doesn't work.
In that case, I haven't the foggiest idea.
Well in any case, I'm claiming Ganon, if it isn't obvious enough.