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Gardow's pixels of knights and dinosaurs - gif heavy
Disclaimer: Gifs ahead, sorry if it's too much to handle.

Hi there! Some of you may know me, a lot of your probably don't. I'm Gardow, and I like making pixel art.
I used to do a lot of sonic edits, but in recent years I've taken a new turn and done more custom stuff.
So here goes!

First up, a bunch of Shovel Knight fan sprites. Not in any particular style, I like to consider it my own.
[Image: B6rBaTQ.gif]
Shovel Knight and the Black Knight.
[Image: yjeA71o.png]
Shield Knight.
[Image: yZ6sOPG.gif]
All the armours.
[Image: 7GA74Yq.gif]
The Enchantress.
[Image: NCOFo3l.gif]
The order of no Quarter.
[Image: NaYpD96.gif]
Common Knight enemy I happen to like.

Second, here's some dinosaurs.
[Image: raptor_jousting_by_gardow-d83v3c4.png]
Because regular jousting was just such a bore...
[Image: g5agmLN.gif]
To be revised.

I don't have a lot of time on my hands right now, but I do intend to fix flaws pointed out. Especially on the last animation, I have had useful critique on DA but could always use more.
Setting priorities means I won't be able to get to it any time soon though, I lost my job recently and life isn't free, so hunting the job market comes first.

But as said, all C&C is welcome, and much appreciated. Thanks for taking a look at my stuff!
[Image: iUYKvDE.gif]Oh hey look a Tyrantrum skull!

Messages In This Thread
Gardow's pixels of knights and dinosaurs - gif heavy - by Gardow - 11-07-2014, 07:43 PM

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