01-05-2009, 02:01 PM
(01-05-2009, 12:44 PM)Seiryus Tear Wrote: Err, quick question. Regarding Beam Kirby, are all of his movement sprites in another file? Not the hats by the way.
There are two different files for each hat: One containing ability-specific poses, which also include the kirby sprites for those poses, (I believe these are the a<hat> (acut, ajet, etc.) files) and another file containing only hats (the c<hat> (ccut, cjet, etc.) files). These c<hat> files do not contain any Kirby sprites: The hats must be placed on plain Kirby sprites. In a sense, yes: Movement and basic actions are contained in one file while ability-specific actions are in another.
I believe RTB said earlier that one of the files used is actually labeled as mirror (It'd be 'cmir' I believe), due to the fact that Mirror and Beam use the same sprites with only different palettes. I have not confirmed this.
Does that answer your question?